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Description: Tree views are capable of storing hierarchical data, which isn t intuitively serialized. The TreeStore sample is an MDI application which shows a view based on CTreeView and demonstrates loading and saving the content of the control with MFC s CArchive-based serialization. The code is also rife with calls to the item navagation routines of CTreeCtrl, including GetNextSiblingItem(), GetPrevSiblingItem(), and GetParentItem().
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 陈伟 | Hits:

[Windows Developsourcecode

Description: 代码1:本代码实现了以图形方式显示CPU与内存利用率。 代码2:近来我在用VC开发一套MIS时没有用MFC的文档视图模板,所以在打印这上面就只好自己写了一套,用起来感觉还可以,所以写出来大家一起修正一下吧,也许能给大家起点作用吧! 系统UI是基于对话框的,大家如果感觉不错可以进行自我修正! 代码3:编程时有时需要读取SQL服务器的目录及文件列表,特别作一些数据库备份程序的时候,本程序实现这个功能...... 代码4:TTS-文本语音转换。 代码5:本软件是一个用局网域发送信使服务的程序,用到了NET SEND网络命令和创建了一个进程和一个主线程。本软件一共两个线程,显示网络用户信息也用到了第二个线程主要用到的是NETBIOS会话。本程序是发布的DEBUG版如果有什么DEBUG请指出。本程序参考了VISUAL C++网络通信编程一书。 代码6:数据库连接 AD0。本包为数据连接,在您的程序中整体加入此包能帮您的数据库连接省n多代码 里面注释很规范, 请自己阅读。-a code : the source implementation of a graphic display of CPU and memory utilization. Code 2 : Recently, I developed a VC MIS without using MFC View template files, so that the print on the above but their set was used up feeling also, so we write together that so much today, we can perhaps starting role! UI system is based on then the box, if you can feel good for self-correction! code 3 : Programming sometimes need to read SQL server's directory and list of documents, especially for some database backup procedures, the procedures for this function code ...... 4 : TTS- text-to-speech conversion. Code 5 : The software is a network area used courier services to send the procedures used by NET SEND command networks and the creation of a process and a main thread. The software has two t
Platform: | Size: 3398656 | Author: 黄河 | Hits:


Description: If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system s current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-ROM onto the system or system32 directory, and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation. For example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you don t do this, some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the language of the operating system.
Platform: | Size: 3050496 | Author: 陈军 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopHexView

Description: If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system s current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-ROM onto the system or system32 directory, and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation. For example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you don t do this, some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the language of the operating system.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 贝可 | Hits:


Description: like the CCheckListBox class provided with MFC, however, it’s use isn’t obvious and the wizard assistance stops at the CListBox class. I’ll describe how to insert it easily in your project. (There may be easier ways to do it, but this is how I do it and it works). -like the CCheckListBox class provided with MFC, however, it's use is not obvious and the wizard assistance stops at the CListBox class. I'll describe how to insert it easily in your project. (There may be easier ways to do it, but this is how I do it and it works).
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 理理 | Hits:

[Button controlActiveXShadeButton

Description: There are many owner-draw button written using C++ and the MFC classes. There a lso many ActiveX controls, mostly written in Visual Basic. While with C++ you can easily use both the MFC and the OCX controls, with Visual Basic you need to convert the MFC objects to an activex control. Unluckily, the class wizard doesn t cover all the messages and the events sent to an ActiveX control, and some messages are different, so most of the magic must be hand written. Because sometimes a piece of code is more clear than the article itself, I included the porting of CxShadeButton to an ActiveX control, but it s just an example, in the article I will speak about a generic AxButtonCtrl. -There are many owner-draw button written using C++ and the MFC classes. There a lso many ActiveX controls, mostly written in Visual Basic. While with C++ you can easily use both the MFC and the OCX controls, with Visual Basic you need to convert the MFC objects to an activex control. Unluckily, the class wizard doesn t cover all the messages and the events sent to an ActiveX control, and some messages are different, so most of the magic must be hand written. Because sometimes a piece of code is more clear than the article itself, I included the porting of CxShadeButton to an ActiveX control, but it s just an example, in the article I will speak about a generic AxButtonCtrl.
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: 刘亦菲 | Hits:


Description: MFC Black Book Introduction: Are you an MFC programmer? Good. There are two types of MFC programmers. What kind are you? The first kind are the good programmers who write programs that conform to the way MFC wants you to do things. The second bunch are wild-eyed anarchists who insist on getting things done their way. Me, I’m in the second group. If you are in the same boat (or would like to be) this book is for you. This book won’t teach you MFC—not in the traditional sense. You should pick it up with a good understanding of basic MFC programming and a desire to do things differently. This isn’t a Scribble tutorial (although I will review some fundamentals in the first chapter). You will learn how to wring every drop from your MFC programs. You’ll discover how to use, abuse, and abandon the document/view architecture. If you’ve ever wanted custom archives, you’ll find that, too.-MFC Black Book Introduction : Are you an MFC programmer Good. There are two typ es of MFC programmers. What kind are you The firs t kind are the good programmers who write progra ms that conform to the way MFC wants you to do thin gs. The second bunch are wild-eyed anarchists w ho insist on getting things done their way. Me, I'm in the second group. If you are in the same boa t (or would like to be), this book is for you. This b ook will not teach you MFC-not in the traditional s 810005. You should pick it up with a good understan ding of basic MFC programming and a desire to do t hings differently. This is not a tutor Scribble ial (although I will review some fundamentals i n the first chapter). You will learn how to wring every drop from your MFC programs. You'll disco ver how to
Platform: | Size: 1705984 | Author: Mr .Wang | Hits:


Description: 1.套接字编程原理 1.1 Client/server通信模型 1.2 Windows Sockets规范 1.3 套接字 1.3.1 套接字定义 1.3.2分类 1.3.3 套接字的作用 1.3.4端口与地址 1.3.5 套接口属性 2.基本的Windows Sockets API编程 2.1常用函数 2.2 TCP实例 2.3 UDP实例 2.4 Socket 通信阻塞的解决方法 3.MFC下的Socket编程的类 3.1 CAsyncSocket类 3.2 CSocket类 3.3 Windows Sockets:带存档的套接字的工作方式 3.4 流式套接字通信的操作顺序 3.5 使用 CAsyncSocket 类 3.6 从套接字类派生 3.7 套接字通知 3.8 一个使用CSocket类的网络通信实例 3.8.1 服务器端应用程序设计(ServerDemo) 3.8.2 客户端应用程序设计(项目名称ClientDemo) 4.套接字的托管实现 4.1 System::Net::Sockets 命名空间 4.2 实例:一个新邮件检查器 -1. Socket Programming Principle 1.1 Client/server communications model Soc Windows 1.2 kets norms 1.3 Socket socket definition 1.3.1 1.3.3 1.3.2 classification socket role 1.3.4 1.3.5 addresses and port interface attributes two sets. Basic programming Windows Sockets API function commonly used 2.1 2.2 2.3 TCP example UDP Socket Communications examples 2.4 blocked three solutions. MFC Socket Programming under the category of Class 3.2 3.1 CAsyncSocket CSocke t Windows Sockets 3.3 categories : filing with the way socket 340 socket communication flow sequence of operation to use 3.5 CAsyncSo cket category 3.6 derived from the socket type 3.8 3.7 socket notice the use of a network of CSocket Communication Liaison example 3.8.1 server application design (ServerDemo) 3.8.2 client Application D
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: gong | Hits:


Description: 给MFC 中的MDI子窗口增加tab控制条,类似tab页面,对应着每个child窗口-MFC to the MDI window-increasing tab control, similar tab pages, corresponding to each child window
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: wbt | Hits:

[Com PortSerialWrapper

Description: 串口通讯封装,可用于CMD,Win32,MFC等环境。-serial communications package can be used for CMD, Win32, MFC, and other environment.
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: funix | Hits:


Description: 一个人工智能的国际象棋游戏,用VC写的,完全采用的win32 API,而没有用MFC。英文介绍为:The Genius is a chess engine that uses AI techniques to play against humans。-an artificial intelligence international chess game, with VC written entirely using the win32 API, not using MFC. English introduced : The Genius is a chess engine that uses AI techniq Reconciliation to play against humans.
Platform: | Size: 311296 | Author: 刘维超 | Hits:


Description: CMNCTRL2 Sample: Demonstrates Common Control MFC Classes, Part 2 The CMNCTRL2 sample illustrates how to use the following common control MFC classes: CProgressCtrl, CSliderCtrl, and CSpinButtonCtrl. It shows how the controls are created and how to change the controls using many of the different available styles. CMNCTRL2 is the result of replacing the original CMNCTRLS sample with two smaller projects: CMNCTRL1 (tree, toolbar, date and time picker, month calendar, and animate controls) and CMNCTRL2 (progress, up/down, and slider controls). This was done to reduce the footprint of the sample code, making it easier to trace specific portions of the application. The list control, originally in the CMNCTRLS sample, can now be found in the LISTHDR sample. Security Note This sample code is provided to illustrate a concept and should not be used in applications or Web sites, as it may not illustrate the safest coding practices. -CMNCTRL2 Sample : Demonstrates Common Control MFC Classes, Part 2 The CMNCTRL2 sample illustrates how to us e the following common control MFC classes : CProgressCtrl, CSliderCtrl. and CSpinButtonCtrl. It shows how the controls are created and how to change the controls using many of the different styles available. CMNCTR L2 is the result of replacing the original CMNCT RLS sample with two smaller projects : CMNCTRL1 (tree, toolbar, date and time picker, month calendar, and animate controls) and CMNCTRL2 (progress. up/down, and slider controls). This was done to reduce th e footprint of the sample code, making it easier to trace specific portions of t he application. The list control, CMNCTRLS originally in the sample. can now be found in the LISTHDR sample. Security Note This sample cod
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: lorime | Hits:

[source in ebookB35

Description: E:\VISUAL C++MFC扩展编程实例 实例35 添加帮助菜单项,在本例中将向应用程序中的H e l p菜单中添加C o n t e n t s和S e a r c h 菜单项。-E : \ MFC Visual C programming examples examples expansion added 35 to help menu items, in this case will be applied to the procedures H e l p menu add C o n t e n t's and S e r c h a menu item.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 李成男 | Hits:


Description: its a useful code. Use this to hide MFC window. when your window code don t want to show other users. -its a useful code. Use this to hide MFC windo w. when your window code do not want to show other u sers.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 郭迎祥 | Hits:


Description: 聊天工具 If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system s current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-ROM onto the system or system32 directory, and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation. For example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you don t do this, some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the language of the operating system.-chatting tool If your application uses MFC in a share d DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system's current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localiz ed resources from the Microsoft MFC42XXX.DLL V isual C CD-ROM onto the system or system32 direc tory. and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ( "XXX" stands az r the language abbreviation. For example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated t o German.) If you do not do this, some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the language of the operating system.
Platform: | Size: 437248 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个简单的交互式绘图程序(MFC) 可以选择图形的种类(直线、折线、矩形、[椭]圆、多边形及对应的填充图形)、绘图颜色(使用颜色公用对话框)、笔的粗细和风格、填充模式(包括填充颜色[与图案])、背景模式与颜色; 可以动态拖动绘图,并显示鼠标当前位置坐标以及拖动矩形的大小; [可以用选择的字体、大小和颜色(使用字体公用对话框)在指定的位置按指定的对齐方式来输出文字串; 可以清屏(调用CWnd类的函数Invalidate()或用背景色画填充客户区矩形)、可以按Esc键取消正在进行的绘图操作; 各种操作和选择有对应的菜单项,且有对应的工具条按钮和加速键。-a simple interactive mapping procedures (MFC) can choose the type of graphics (line, broken line, rectangle, [elliptical] Yuan, polygons and the corresponding filling graphics), mapping color (color use common dialog), T thicknesses, and style, fill patterns (including color filled [logo]), background patterns and colors; dynamically scrolling graphics, and display the current location coordinates of the mouse and drag the rectangular size; [can choose the font, Size and color (using common font dialog box) in a designated area designated by the alignment output text string; can the screen (called CWnd class function Invalidate () or with the background color paintings filled rectangular area customers ), the Esc key can be canceled by the ongoing mapping operation; various operational and
Platform: | Size: 1120256 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Develophz2py

Description: TTS转换,实现中文转换为读音,MFC界面-TTS conversion, converted to the achievement of the Chinese pronunciation, MFC interface
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: cathie | Hits:

[Windows Developmfc_tcp

Description: 基于mfc的,实现简单的socket通信-Mfc-based, and easy implementation of the socket communication
Platform: | Size: 5127168 | Author: yuanyuan | Hits:


Description: 数据库应用程序,以及全功能,Windows桌面应用程序。这三个库同时提供COM支持。 朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音-The Microsoft Foundation Classes and Templates (MFC&T) provide tools to create small, lightweight controls, database applications, and full-featured, Windows desktop applications. All three libraries also provide support for COM.
Platform: | Size: 6380544 | Author: ziguang | Hits:

[OtherMFC程序员的WTL指南 (第二版)1

Description: WTL 确实震动了所有人。它具有许多 MFC GUI 类的强大功能,但是可以生成相当小的可执行代码。如果你和我一样,用 MFC 学习 GUI 编程,对 MFC 所提供的控件封装感到相当舒服,并且对 MFC 内建的灵活的消息处理也有同感;如果你和我一样,不喜欢好几百 K 的 MFC 框架附着到自己的程序上,WTL 正适合你。(WTL really shook everyone. It has many powerful functions of the MFC GUI class, but it can generate fairly small executable code. If you like me, learning GUI programming with MFC control package provided by MFC feel quite comfortable, and also have the same feeling of flexible message processing MFC built-in; if you like me, don't love the MFC framework hundreds of K attached to their own programs, WTL is for you.)
Platform: | Size: 1145856 | Author: sungodone | Hits:
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